Onychomycosis – what is it?
- being overweight;
- Digestive system diseases;
- weakened immune system;
- Impaired thyroid or adrenal gland function;
- Improper hygiene.
Types and causes of toenail disease
- Fungi;
- non-fungal;
- other illnesses.
non-fungal diseases
- Not knowing how to care for nail plates;
- Injuried;
- Unbalanced diet;
- Infection is present in the body;
- smokes;
- genetic predisposition;
- Presence of skin diseases, such as psoriasis and eczema;
- Acute and chronic cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases, endocrine diseases.

Fungal diseases
- Increased sweating of the feet;
- Inferior shoes: stuffy, not breathable, poor durability;
- Clothing made from synthetic materials;
- Neglect of personal hygiene;
- Do not take off your shoes in public places such as bathrooms, swimming pools, saunas, and public showers.
- Color: flesh pink;
- The surface is smooth and has no roughness;
- Uniform structure without compaction or thinning;
- The ends of the nails are intact and not separated.
fungal form
- shrink. A gray tint appears on the nails and the nail plate becomes pale and dull. The nails begin to shrink from the outer ends.
- Thick. The nail plate thickens by more than 2 mm due to active growth of skin scales. Nail deformation depends on the severity of the pathology. Color - gray or dark yellow. One of the characteristics of this fungus is thought to resemble a bird's claw.
- Nutrition is normal. Nails with this fungus change color, but the shine and thickness remain the same. In the first stage, white to yellow spots appear. If the disease is not treated, they will grow in size. In this case, the plate will not adhere to the nail bed.
- near end. The fungus can spread into skin folds. Pain may occur in the stratum corneum area.
- All of them. This infection can occur if treatment for other types of fungi is neglected. Along with loss of color and luster, fragmentation and fragility. The result was complete destruction of the deck.
- Surface white fungus. It is characterized by the formation of white spots and streaks across the entire nail.
- remote. The lesions are associated with dullness, discoloration, and changes in nail plate thickness. After the affected area dies, the nail becomes deformed and crumbled.
- side. Ridges of skin become swollen, red, and thickened. It is characterized by pain in the area near the nail. When a bacterial infection occurs, the purulent process begins.
Practical advice
- Medications are not always effective. Antibiotics kill the immune system and the body becomes more susceptible to fungal and spore infections. Minimize the use of such medications.
- Any burns and frostbite require prompt treatment, otherwise the bacteria will quickly diminish;
- Effective treatment is only half the battle, as you need to thoroughly disinfect all surfaces you come into contact with: bedding, floors, clothes, shoes, etc. ;
- Although traditional treatments are good, they do not guarantee freedom from recurrence. It is recommended before starting this battle to see a doctor, who will analyze and tell you exactly what type of fungus you have and how to fight it;
- Don’t medicate yourself;
- Do not try to cover damaged nails with colored varnish - this will further damage the nails and slow down regeneration;
- Doctors recommend regular foot soaks with peppermint and chamomile, which will greatly reduce the likelihood of infection;
- People who already have fungal diseases cannot become blood donors;
- This fungus is highly contagious, so consult your loved ones and take them to a doctor.
Typical clinical manifestations
- Burning and itching of the skin near the affected area;
- brittle nails;
- Swelling of the affected area;
- The board actively detaches;
- Color changes (black, yellow, gray, green, brown indicate pathological processes);
- Pain at the site of the fungus;
- Deformed nails.
Places with risk of infection
- sauna;
- Shower room;
- bath;
- Gym;
- sunroom;
- public locker rooms;
- beach;
- pool.
Alternative treatments to fight onychomycosis
- compression;
- foot bath;
- lotion;
- Use herbal ointments.
- Garlic ointment. To prepare it, mix butter with grated garlic. Apply to the affected nail for a few hours.
- Take a bath with sea salt. Make a warm solution and leave your feet in it for thirty minutes. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply olive oil to the nails.
- Make a foot bath with calendula, celandine, horsetail or milkweed soup.
- Mint and salt compress. Mix a spoonful of salt with the crushed plant and apply to problem areas for a few hours.
- Propolis lotion. Soak a cotton pad in the tincture and apply to the affected nail.
- Lubricate the diseased nail plate with celandine juice.
- Egg-honey mixture. Add honey, birch tar, and sulfur to the egg whites. Mix well and apply to nails.
- Ammonia compression. Dilute a spoonful of ammonia in a glass of water. The materials used in this process are soaked in liquid.
- Apricot resin. Alcohol tinctures are made with equal parts resin. Use this remedy to compress.
- Coffee bath. They brew strong coffee and pour it into basins. It is recommended to soak your feet in this product for twenty minutes.
- Tar compression. For this process, use birch tar.
- Body wash based on Listerine, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice.
- Hydrogen peroxide compress. It is recommended to take a soda foot bath before use.
- Apply onion pulp to sore nails.
- Apple cider vinegar – 250 ml;
- Baking soda – 150 g;
- Water (hot) – 3 liters.
- Compresses can also be made from:
- chopped horseradish (root);
- Sunflower oil and vinegar (product ratio 1: 1);
- tea tree mushroom;
- orange juice;
- tea tree oil;
- Rowan Mud.
- Mint;
- chamomile;
- nettle;
- wise man.
other illnesses
- Nail thickening;
- Extended to several centimeters;
- The very long legs began to bend downward, like bird claws;
- Nail color changes from yellow to dirty yellow;
- In this condition, the nails rarely grow into the skin on either side;
- If the ingrowth is left untreated, an inflammatory process begins.
- The nail plate on one or more fingers is deformed, smaller in size, brittle, and distorted in shape;
- Nail color is white and cloudy;
- Surface defects: roughness, micro-cracks;
- No nails on one or more fingers;
- There is a membrane between the fingers;
- deformation of fingers;
- The hair growth rate is low and the growth is sparse.
peeling nails
- Improper manicure and use of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
- Half of the women who undergo regular shellac surgery face this problem;
- lack of vitamins;
- Endocrine disorders, especially decreased thyroid function;
- Chronic diseases that consume the body;
- Synthetic clothes and wrong shoes.
- cosmeticSpecialty nail polishes and nail polishes.
- paraffin therapyYou need to buy paraffin wax and melt it until it is liquid, but not hot. The feet must first be washed and dried thoroughly. Dip your finger into the paraffin wax, allowing it to harden, then lower it again. This sequence must be repeated several times until the nails are coated with 3 to 5 layers of paraffin. Next, you need to wrap it in plastic and wear warm socks over it. Keep this compression for 30 minutes. Then the paraffin must be carefully removed and a thick layer of cream is applied to the nails.
- Soften pterygium with water;
- Carefully remove excess with apricot stick;
- Treat the area with a disinfectant (chlorhexidine or miramidine).
General treatment options
- Systemic antifungal drugs;
- Physical therapy procedures to improve blood flow to the feet and hands;
- Treat the affected area with a topical anti-infective (antifungal varnish, ointment, gel) and cover the surrounding skin for prophylaxis;
- If severe thickening or complete damage is confirmed, conservative or surgical removal of the affected tissue is performed;
- Use medicines that improve blood flow to the tissues around your hands and legs.
Taking systemic antifungals
- Fungal diseases: symptoms and treatment
- Onychomycosis: effective treatments
- Fungus under the nails: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention methods
topical treatment
nail plate removal
- Place the tourniquet at the base of your finger.
- Treat the surface with a preservative (any).
- Inject local anesthetic into the side of the finger.
- Insert the tweezers under the free edge from the left or right corner.
- Push the instrument into its base.
- Use a flipping motion to separate the plates.
- The bed was cleared of cuticle buildup.
- Flush the nail bed with a powdered adsorbent containing antibiotics.
- It has a sterile bandage on it.
Shoe material processing
- 25% formalin solution.
- Chlorhexidine digluconate solution 1%.
- Acetic acid 40%, etc.
possible complications
- Fungal eczema occurs over a large area affected by fungi;
- Burns caused by improper use of horn-dissolving cream;
- Dysfunction of the liver and gastrointestinal organs due to accumulation of toxins in the body;
- Allergic reactions also occur due to the body being "overloaded" with harmful substances;
- Psychological problems caused by a person's inability to live a normal life - for example, going to the bathhouse, going to the beach without hesitation.
Information about the manifestations and treatment of coxsackievirus in children, classification and photos of symptoms can be found in this material. Causes and symptoms of carbuncles, treatments and photos - all in the next article.
Laser Treatment
Disinfection and personal hygiene
- Thoroughly disinfect socks and shoes every day;
- Boil linens and towels;
- Clean the tub thoroughly after bathing.